The Mouse Roars

by Chris Howard Aug 02, 2005

Not long ago on Apple Matters, one of their astute (or maybe lucky) writers suggested Apple needed not a two-button mouse, but a multi-button mouse. The article was What OS X could learn from Windows.

In an article that posed five other suggestions for Apple, that suggestion generated the most controversy and comment. Not the multi-button mind you, but the suggestion Apple desert the single-button mouse that had for 20 years, been an icon of what it meant to be a Mac user. Kind of like a rallying flag. You could just imagine the battle flag of the Mac legions bearing, not a Mac, but a one button mouse. In this simple device, were all the philosophies of Macdom - simplicity, ease of use, being different, being innovative, defiance.

And now, in one fell swoop, Apple have reset the playing field. They’ve switched decks on us again. We have to change another argument about why we are Mac users. We are getting to the point where the only difference will be the OS - and I’m just fine with that.

A Mighty Mouse
Here’s how Apple broke the news to world and shattered another myth:

With up to four programmable buttons, Mighty Mouse makes it easy to access key features of Tiger with the side buttons and Scroll Ball providing quick, one-click access to Spotlight, Dashboard and Exposé.

Sound familiar? Here’s what was in that article:

3) A multi button mouse. And you thought I’d say two. Why stop at two? Especially with things like Exposé, Dashboard and Spotlight. They’re just crying out for single click activation from a mouse.

That article was written with no prior knowledge of Apple’s plans, including a forgotten rumor on Apple Insider in March, which I didn’t turn up until several days after my article was released.

And now, much sooner than expected Apple has, as desired by me and a few others, given us a multi-button mouse to access things like Spotlight, Dashboard and Exposé from a single click.

There were many, many responses to that article - mostly about the mouse. Several people posting comments indicated they did not want button-bloat. A few others said a mouse that worked like a single or multi-button mouse would be good. Maybe Apple has made both of these groups happy as this mouse can be one, two, three or four button. Whatever takes you fancy. But I reckon they’ll start using the other buttons before long.

Several though voiced very strong concerns about ergonomics and software ease of use being compromised - suggesting developers could become lazy. I trust this won’t happen - especially as developers have had context menus for years.

It’s interesting to note, that the side buttons on Apple’s single button mouse have always been there - I’ve tried pressing them many times to no avail. How long have Apple been planning this? Have they planned this from the beginning of the redesigned one-button mouse - like the Intel switch which was planned for from the beginnings of OS X?

And it upholds the ideals of simplicity, ease of use, being different, being innovative - whilst defiantly challenging the PC world to do better.

The Mighty Mouse, although the name doesn’t grab me, certainly grabs me on looks. The Apple designers at their best yet again. And it’s got a scroll wheel that I wanted too! I want one!

What’s it mean?
This isn’t a chance to gloat. Sitting alone in a dimly lit room, there’s no one here to pat my back and say “Good onya, mate!” But that’s cool - since there’s still another five requests on that list that could become egg on my face.

Rather, this is a chance to take stock of Apple. Who are Apple, 2005? How many “nevers” have been tossed aside in the last six months alone? An x86 Mac; A flash based iPod; A cheap Mac; A multi-button Mouse. Hell’s looking decidedly cold. What’s next? iPod’s that play videos are strongly rumored. And what after that? OS X licensed to Dell? The Apple keyboard modifier keys changed to match Windows’? This is a new Apple that is letting go of the past when it sees it doesn’t need to hold onto it. This is an Apple that is prepared to change. This is an Apple that really does want a much larger slice of the PC market. This is an Apple of who you really should never say never.

This Apple is about making great products that really are accessible to everyone. That is the key. That is Apple 2005.

I guess I can take my flame-proof vest off now.

Thanks Steve, I owe you a beer.


  • Speaking of a Bluetooth Mighty Mouse, does anyone know when Apple plans to release one?

    I would also like to use it with the Powerbook, but prefer keeping the two separated.

    Could I be waiting months or years for this little guy?


    Powerbook Pete had this to say on Sep 13, 2005 Posts: 3
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